Customer Problem / Need
Customer required a comprehensive Operating and Capital lease program to differentiate from competitors and win more sales.
New technology asset class, with minimal equipment valuation and secondary market information available for investors.
A global leasing program that facilitated a streamlined offering in all regions of the globe.
The offering included Operating Lease products, enabling customers to managetechnology evolutions through end of term flexibility (extend, return/upgrade, buy).
Increased sales volume through expanded customer orders, and incremental customers.
Increased customer retention through additional touch points(end of term decisions) and expanded relationships (elevated discussion to the C-Suite).
End-customer Example
Customer: Oilfield Services Company
Problem: Customer had strict annual budget constraints for equipment
Solution: $4MM in tax leases on the manufacturing equipment, and necessary auxiliary equipment.
Customer Outcome: The lease structures were able to accelerate the customers acquisitions strategy from a 3-year build, to 18 months. The customer then used their end-of-term optionality to return the first machine and replace it with the newest technology.
OEM Outcome: The OEM was able to sell additional machines to the customer, and accelerate their production ramp time through financing. They were also able to control the customers buying cycle by upgrading them to the latest technology without a bid from competition.